I have just returned from a visit to the Middle East where we are doing well with our water conserving clay, AustraBlend® however, if businesses are not involved in projects to do with the football World Cup, Q 2022 or the Dubai World Expo 2020, then business is very tough for the Arab World is now coming to grips with global oil and gas prices considerably lower than the cost of the massive infrastructural developments they are committed to. There are many examples that I was told of where commitments were cancelled with all the consequential implications of such arbitrary action. There must be a knock on effect for our own economy as exporters find it increasingly difficult to make sales.
Posted in:AustraBlendMiddle East |
We are very pleased to join with STA, to participate in its activities and generally contribute to the activities of the sports turf industry and other related activities. We are well aquainted with the Sports Turf Research Institute of Bingley UK and are extensive trialists with them at their Redland Research facility in Brisbane where we have 108 blocks each 2x2 m under trial for a period of 18 months designed to measure all aspects of the product pertaining to root zone management including ultimate dry downs to measure WHC and other essentials in the management process.
We have established our bona fides with Middle Eastern exports and have made volume shipments to the UAE, Qatar and Kuwait where we are gaining increasing traction in the process of converting Desert Sands into Arable Soils, particularly with the sports field industry. In May 2015 we shipped sufficient product to ameliorate the root zones of three polo fields in Dubaian achievement for which we are justifiably proud.We will welcome your enquires to the below , thank you.
Posted in:Soil HealthSoil ConditionerAustraBlendSTA |
We tick all the boxes, significant water saving, greatly increased CEC resulting in permanent amelioration of low yield sands
Call us!
Posted in:STRIAustraBlend |
Hi all, Mike is out of the office this week but we hope that if you have any questions or enquiries about our product AustraBlend®Multi Mineral Soil Conditioner that you contact us (07) 3821 0745 or send an email direct to Mike mfarrar@austrahort.com.au
We look forward to hearing from you!
AustraBlend® Pty Ltd loads 22 containers of AustraBlend®Multi Mineral Soil Conditioner aboard the vessel Hebe bound for the United Arab Emirates.
Could it be that you are seriously missing out?
If you are using organics only or an inorganic root zone amendment and are seriously missing out on AustraBlend®MMSC and its permanent status in the medium - Don't let yourself down, call us for details!